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來源:http://www.bystreet.cn/ 日期:2024-08-28


  In recent years, with the development of China's economy, the mileage of highways has been continuously increasing. However, at the same time, many old highways have entered the stage of major repairs and maintenance. If not maintained in a timely manner, various diseases will occur.


  冷再生技術(shù)是針對舊路面實施冷再生處理的技術(shù),在實際應(yīng)用中,具有成本低、施工周期短、環(huán)境污染小等特點,目前已在公路養(yǎng)護(hù)中得以廣泛應(yīng)用。1 工程概況某公路工程位于河北省境內(nèi),路線全長3.9km。隨著當(dāng)?shù)亟?jīng)濟(jì)的快速發(fā)展,該公路的車流量日益增大,路面破損嚴(yán)重,出現(xiàn)各種病害,主要表現(xiàn)為翻漿、龜裂、坑槽、裂縫、車轍等。

  Cold recycling technology is a technique for implementing cold recycling treatment on old road surfaces. In practical applications, it has the characteristics of low cost, short construction period, and low environmental pollution. Currently, it has been widely used in highway maintenance. 1 Project Overview: A highway project is located in Hebei Province, with a total length of 3.9km. With the rapid development of the local economy, the traffic flow of the highway is increasing day by day, and the road surface is severely damaged, with various diseases appearing, mainly manifested as mud turning, cracking, potholes, cracks, ruts, etc.


  The use of core drilling sampling method for disease analysis of the road surface shows that the road surface and subgrade are severely damaged, and it is difficult to achieve the expected results with minor repairs. Therefore, it is necessary to select more reliable and economical maintenance techniques.

  2 瀝青路面養(yǎng)護(hù)方法的選擇

  2. Selection of asphalt pavement maintenance methods

  2.1 冷再生技術(shù)采用現(xiàn)場冷再生技術(shù)進(jìn)行施工時,需要應(yīng)用功率大的路面銑刨拌和機(jī)對原瀝青路面實施銑刨、翻挖、破碎等處理,然后加入符合工程要求的骨料、水、水泥、瀝青再生劑等進(jìn)行充分拌和處理,制作符合工程要求的施工材料,在現(xiàn)場完成攤鋪、碾壓等工序。冷再生技術(shù)具有生產(chǎn)成本低,設(shè)備要求不高等特點,但多用于低等級的公路施工,具體特點表現(xiàn)如下。

  2.1 Cold Recycling Technology When using on-site cold recycling technology for construction, it is necessary to use a high-power pavement milling and mixing machine to mill, excavate, and crush the original asphalt pavement, and then add aggregates, water, cement, asphalt rejuvenators, etc. that meet the engineering requirements for sufficient mixing treatment to produce construction materials that meet the engineering requirements. The paving, rolling, and other processes are completed on site. Cold recycling technology has the characteristics of low production cost and low equipment requirements, but it is mostly used for low-grade highway construction. The specific characteristics are as follows.

  2.1.1 成本較低在實際應(yīng)用中,冷再生技術(shù)所用底料是舊的鋪層材料,避免了采購和運輸大量新材料,有效減少了工程開支與造價,施工成本大幅降低。一般情況下,不同的再生層厚度會產(chǎn)生不同的成本,例如,隨著厚度的增加,該技術(shù)可節(jié)約更多的成本。

  2.1.1 Low Cost In practical applications, the cold recycling technology uses old layer materials as the base material, avoiding the procurement and transportation of large amounts of new materials, effectively reducing engineering expenses and costs, and significantly reducing construction costs. In general, different thicknesses of the regeneration layer will result in different costs. For example, as the thickness increases, this technology can save more costs.

  2.1.2 施工效率較高冷再生技術(shù)所用機(jī)械設(shè)備能夠一次性實現(xiàn)多道復(fù)雜工序,可有效節(jié)約人力、物力,提高施工效率,縮短工期。與此同時,該技術(shù)還能使施工現(xiàn)場各種施工器械開展密集施工,從而減小施工對交通帶來的影響。

  2.1.2 High construction efficiency: The mechanical equipment used in cold recycling technology can achieve multiple complex processes at once, effectively saving manpower and material resources, improving construction efficiency, and shortening the construction period. At the same time, this technology can also enable various construction equipment on the construction site to carry out intensive construction, thereby reducing the impact of construction on traffic.

  2.1.3 施工質(zhì)量較高冷再生技術(shù)對鋪層材料和添加劑具有較高要求,確保添加劑與混合料配比合理、再生材料性能符合要求,促使路面養(yǎng)護(hù)質(zhì)量得到提升。

  2.1.3 High construction quality: Cold recycling technology has high requirements for paving materials and additives, ensuring that the ratio of additives to mixtures is reasonable and the performance of recycled materials meets the requirements, promoting the improvement of pavement maintenance quality.

  2.1.4 污染小傳統(tǒng)的公路養(yǎng)護(hù)技術(shù)往往會對環(huán)境造成污染,路面廢棄物、施工材料與塵土?xí)o周邊環(huán)境帶來影響。與此同時,傳統(tǒng)技術(shù)主要使用新材料,需要對開采大量新材料,倘若不能夠充分利用就會導(dǎo)致資源浪費。相比而言,冷再生技術(shù)能有效防止資源浪費,減少環(huán)境污染。

  Traditional highway maintenance techniques often cause pollution to the environment, with road waste, construction materials, and dust affecting the surrounding environment. At the same time, traditional technologies mainly use new materials, which require the extraction of a large amount of new materials. If not fully utilized, it will lead to resource waste. Compared to others, cold recycling technology can effectively prevent resource waste and reduce environmental pollution.

  2.2 熱再生技術(shù)采用現(xiàn)場熱再生技術(shù)施工時,根據(jù)要求對原損壞路面進(jìn)行修復(fù),然后應(yīng)用加熱設(shè)備對各個路面結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)行軟化處理,將廢料鏟出后,加入一定量的新骨料、瀝青等組合成為新的施工材料,再進(jìn)行攤鋪施工作業(yè)。在具體實施環(huán)節(jié),通過對瀝青路面再生機(jī)械進(jìn)行加熱處理,對路面進(jìn)行軟化,然后再將清理之后所形成的瀝青廢料傳輸?shù)綌嚢柙O(shè)備內(nèi),在材料中加入再生劑、新瀝青、骨料等,進(jìn)行拌和處理,形成新的混合料。按照要求運輸?shù)浆F(xiàn)場進(jìn)行攤鋪、壓實等。

  2.2 Hot Recycling Technology When using on-site hot recycling technology for construction, the original damaged road surface is first repaired according to requirements, and then heating equipment is used to soften each road surface structure. After the waste is shoveled out, a certain amount of new aggregates, asphalt, etc. are added to form new construction materials, and then paving construction operations are carried out. In the specific implementation process, the asphalt pavement recycling machinery is heated to soften the pavement, and then the cleaned asphalt waste is transferred to the mixing equipment. Regeneration agents, new asphalt, aggregates, etc. are added to the materials for mixing treatment, forming a new mixture. Transport to the site as required for paving, compaction, etc.

  2.3 方案比選從設(shè)計方案可以發(fā)現(xiàn),原計劃采用傳統(tǒng)施工工藝,將瀝青混合料全部,然后鋪設(shè)新的瀝青路面以滿足交通運行需求。但技術(shù)人員研究指出,由于該公路長度較短,采用冷再生施工工藝更加簡單,成本也更低。因此,在綜合考慮多種因素的基礎(chǔ)上,該工程決定采用冷再生施工方案,銑刨厚度為21.5cm,即將瀝青面層(6.5cm)與水泥穩(wěn)定砂礫基層(15cm)銑刨去除。

  2.3 Scheme Comparison From the design scheme, it can be found that the original plan used traditional construction techniques to completely remove the asphalt mixture and then lay a new asphalt pavement to meet traffic operation needs. However, research by technicians has pointed out that due to the shorter length of the highway, using cold recycling construction technology is simpler and more cost-effective. Therefore, based on comprehensive consideration of various factors, the project has decided to adopt a cold recycling construction plan with a milling thickness of 21.5cm, which means milling and removing the asphalt surface layer (6.5cm) and cement stabilized gravel base layer (15cm).

  3 冷再生技術(shù)施工原理冷再生技術(shù)通過再生機(jī)把舊路面層打碎后,在其中摻入適當(dāng)?shù)慕Y(jié)合料,經(jīng)碾壓成型后形成路面結(jié)構(gòu)層,實現(xiàn)舊路面材料的就地再利用。具體而言,冷再生施工工藝依托于既有舊公路路面來實現(xiàn),根據(jù)具體的設(shè)計要求及施工配合比,將骨料、水泥、乳化瀝青等外加材料摻入其中,之后通過冷再生機(jī)在確保施工溫度符合要求的條件下,就地連續(xù)實施對舊路面的銑刨、破碎、添加料、拌和、攤鋪、碾壓等工序,從而使路面結(jié)構(gòu)層滿足相關(guān)要求。

  3. Construction principle of cold recycling technology: Cold recycling technology uses a recycling machine to crush the old pavement layer, add appropriate binders to it, and form a pavement structure layer after rolling, realizing the on-site reuse of old pavement materials. Specifically, the cold recycling construction technology relies on the existing old road surface to achieve. According to specific design requirements and construction mix proportions, external materials such as aggregates, cement, emulsified asphalt, etc. are mixed into it. Then, through a cold recycling machine, the milling, crushing, adding materials, mixing, paving, rolling and other processes of the old road surface are continuously carried out on site while ensuring that the construction temperature meets the requirements, so that the road structure layer meets the relevant requirements.


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  • 上一條:路面冷再生機(jī)的輔助散熱系統(tǒng)
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