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來源:http://www.bystreet.cn/ 日期:2024-09-02


Cold regeneration and hot regeneration are two important forms of energy-saving technology, and their specific differences are as follows:


1. 冷再生:指在工業(yè)過程中,將廢氣或廢水從設(shè)備排放出去后,通過處理設(shè)備(例如換熱器、熱交換器)對其進(jìn)行冷卻,然后將冷凝的液體或固體物質(zhì)分離出來,再回收利用其中的熱能。因為從排放的冷卻介質(zhì)中回收熱量,所以稱為“冷”再生。冷再生可以在較低的溫度下進(jìn)行,因此有利于節(jié)約能源和降低生產(chǎn)成本。

1. Cold regeneration: refers to the process in which waste gas or wastewater is discharged from equipment and cooled by treatment equipment (such as heat exchangers), and then the condensed liquid or solid substances are separated and the heat energy is recovered. Because heat is recovered from the discharged cooling medium, it is called "cold" regeneration. Cold regeneration can be carried out at lower temperatures, which is beneficial for energy conservation and reducing production costs.

2. 熱再生:指在工業(yè)過程中,采用專門的回收裝置(例如空氣預(yù)熱器、燃燒器等)對高溫廢氣或廢水進(jìn)行再生利用,從中回收相應(yīng)的熱能,提高熱效率。因為是回收高溫廢氣或廢水中的熱能,所以稱為“熱”再生。熱再生通常需要在較高的溫度下進(jìn)行,所以需要更高的技術(shù)要求和裝備投資。

2. Thermal regeneration: refers to the use of specialized recovery devices (such as air preheaters, burners, etc.) in industrial processes to regenerate and utilize high-temperature exhaust gas or wastewater, recovering corresponding heat energy and improving thermal efficiency. Because it is the recovery of heat energy from high-temperature exhaust gas or wastewater, it is called "thermal" regeneration. Hot regeneration usually requires higher temperatures, so higher technical requirements and equipment investment are needed.


It should be noted that in practical applications, cold regeneration and hot regeneration are often used simultaneously or complement each other to achieve higher energy-saving effects. The specific regeneration method used depends on actual process parameters, production environment, and equipment characteristics.


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